"Why Don't Single Women Cover Their Hair According to Jewish Law" Migdal Hatorah, Modein, December 12, 2024.
"AI and Jewish Law," Nishmat Institute of Jewish Law, December 12, 2025
"End Near: Thoughts on Religious Arbitration" at on December 5, 2024
Interview about Ten Commandments in School at
Interview about judicial in state elections at (Georgia Recorder, May 17, 2024)
Abortion and Jewish Law: Harvard Law School, April 1, 2024 (My contribution starts on minute 34)
Modern Commercial Law and Halakha, at Ohr Sameach March 7, 2024
Jewish Law and Digital Privacy, Emory University, February 22, 2024 at starting at minute 50.
War, Halakhah, and Humanitarian Law Institute of Jewish Studies (University of Antwerp), February 5, 2024.
The Ketubah in American and Jewish Law, B'nai-David Judea in Los Angeles, February 4, 2024. See here.
Interview with Fox news" January 25, 2024.
The role of Artifical Intelligence in Formulating Decisions: A Comparison of American and Jewish Law Problems,Nishmat: The Jeanie Schottenstein Center for Advanced Torah Study for Women, January 4, 2024.
Converts to Judaism and their Parents, Yeshiva Machon Meir, December 31 2023
Jewish Legal Decisions and Artificial Intelligence, Yeshivat Har Etzion, Gush Etzion, December 28, 2023
Cheirut Agunah Summit: Beit Din Challenges and Opportunities, December 20, 2023
AI and Psak" Migdal Hatorah Yeshiva, December 6, 2023
"Wartime Divorce in Jewish Law," The Central Synagogue, Efrat Israel, December 2, 2023
"Israel: A Conversation on Border, & Self Defense under International Law" University of Miami, November 14, 2023
The Intersections of Jewish Law, International Law and The Laws of War, Yeshiva of Newark at
"AI and Jewish Law: Seeing How ChatGPT 4.0 Looks at a Novel Issue" Interactions podcast at
Israel as Motherland and not Disneyland, New Toco Shul Video Message October 10, 2023 See
Innovating Halacha (Jewish Law), podcast Truth: The Jewish Wisdom For Today at
Using AI for Psak Halacha -Ramifications and Recriminations-Results of a Relevant Test Case-A Conversation with Rabbi Michael Broyde, Yeshiva of Newark, June 22, 2023 at
“The codification of Jewish Law: What was in the Law, Culture and Civilization that led to the Codification of Jewish Law from 1400 to 1600 in the Levant, Middle East and Eastern Europe” ISACCL (The Institute for Advanced Studies in Levant Culture and Civilization Centre of Excellence of the World Academy of Art & Science) June 6, 2023, Bucharest Romania.ttps://
Halakhic Pluralism and Theories of Controversy in Jewish Law, presented at JEWISH AND ISLAMIC LAW SCHOLARS WORKSHOP: AGREEING TO DISAGREE: LEGAL DIVERSITY AND CONTROVERSY IN ISLAMIC AND JEWISH LAW, University of Colorado, May 1, 2023.
"Living Jewishly In A World Where Same-Sex Attraction Is Normal, "East Denver Orthodox Synagogue, April 28 and 29, 2023
"Religious Arbitration in America," Pepperdine Law School March 27, 2023
Religious Legal Systems and Family Violence, Emory University, March 15, 2023
What Does Jewish Law think American Abortion Law Ought to be" Yeshiva University, February 12, 2023
Podcast, at the Yeshiva of Newark "Accommodation or Resistance?-Are Jews Obligated to Encourage the Observance of the Noachide laws by Gentiles?" at
Podcast at the University of Antwerp, "Jewish Law and International Law" Februay 1, 2023 at
"What Jewish Law Tribunals Can Teach Islamic Arbitration about Arbitration in America" INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON ISLAMIC FAMILY MEDIATION-ARBITRATION, Istanbul University, January 29, 2023. Video found at [missing link]
Using State Income Tax Credits for Yeshiva Tuition-Is it Tzedakah?-Inside Rabbi Michael J.Broyde's Halachic Laboratory, Yeshiva of Newark Podcast, January 5, 2023
Is Divorce a Human Right in the Jewish Tradition, Hartman Center, November 15, 2022. linked here. (mostly in Hebrew)
The Complex and Contradictory Views of Rabbi Moshe Feinstein on the Celebration of Thanksgiving. Yeshiva of Newark Podcast November 25, 2022
What Does Jewish Law Think American Abortion Law Ought to be?, Netanya Academic College of Law, Sept 13, 2022
New Developments in the Accommodation of Religious Law in Modern States, University of Haifa, August 22, 2022
Tshuvos and Poskim-Why Are Women Obligated in Some Time-Bound Positive Commandments Yet exempt from Others?-A Conversation with Rabbi Michael J. Broyde
Changing Customs (Minhagim): How and When and When, Young Israel of Brookline, August 2, 2002.
Tshuvos and Poskim-If We Could Write Fetal Protection Legislation-A Conversation with Professor Rabbi Michael Broyde on Abortion at Yeshiva of Newark Podcast
Ethical Dilemmas In Reproductive Technology, Continuing Medical Education (CME], May 2, 2022 (Sponsored by Israel Bonds). Video at [contact author at [email protected] for link]
"Is there a Place for Religion in Secular Family Law in America?," May 2, 2022 at College of Law and Business at Ramat Gan. Recording at this link.
CLE "Religious Arbitration in America: The Good, the Bad and the Interesting" Gratz College, April 7, 2022
Bishul Akum: The Important Teshuva of Rabbi Nota Greenblatt, writing in the name of his teacher, Rabbi Moshe Feinstein --חיי עולם נטע בתוכנו Highlighting the Talmudic Thought and Psakim of הרב הגאון נטע צבי גרינבלט, Yeshiva of Newark Podcast, March 31, 2002
"'Reverse Entanglement' is not the Problem and Contracts are Part of the Solution" Emory Law School Faculty Colloquium, March 30, 2022
"What Can Jewish Law Teach American Law about Incorporating International Law," Center for the Study of Law and Religion, Emory University, March 29, 2022
Jews Law's COVID Responsa, Presented at "Judaism and Public Health: Living in the Shadow of Pademics, Arizona State University, March 27, 2022
"Religious Values of Secular Charted Institutions" at Religiously Motived and Religion Based Discrimination: Prohibition, Religulation and Exemption, Conference at Bar Ilan University January 11, 2022
"Cases Presented in Rabbinical Court", at NISHMAT (נשמת)” The Jeanie Schottenstein Center For Advanced Torah Study For Women, Thursday, December 9th, 2021. Handout is located here.
May One Converted Younger than Three Marry a Kohein, Yeshivat Migdal Hatorah, December 7, 2021. Handout is located here.
"Thanksgiving and Jewish Law," November 25, 2021 (Yeshiva of Newark Podcast)
"Religious Arbitration in America" Pepperdine Caruso Law School, November 1, 2021
Wellstar Atlanta Medical Ethics Lecture: Assisted Reproduction and Jewish Law, October 27, 2021.
Faiths In Conversation – Judaism & Justice – Sept 13, 2021, Thanksgiving Foundation, Dallas Texas.
No Sense of Surrender: The Avnei Nezer as an Intrepid Pioneer of Modern Halacha, Podcast: Yeshiva of Newark
Government Regulations in Time of Emergency: Does Jewish Law Compel Obedience?, at the National Jewish Retreat, August 12, 2021.
Vaccine Triage and Jewish Law, at the National Jewish Retreat, August 12, 2021.
Fox News Appearance on Judicial Ethics:
Beyond Simple Love: Helping Converts Integrate Into the Community (Podcast: Yeshiva of Newark)
Promoting the Alternative-Recognizing the Halachic Greatness found in the Jurisprudence of Rav Yechiel Michel HaLevi Epstein's Aruch HaShulchan-with Rabbi Michael J.Broyde (Yeshiva of Newark Podcast)
I was very saddened by the death of Rabbi D. Norman Lamm of Yeshiva University, and I am going to give a 10 part class reviewing his scholarship. The flyer is here.
Religious Alternative Dispute Resolution in Israel and Other Nations with State-Sponsored Religious Courts: Crafting a More Efficient and Better Relationship Between Rabbinical Court and Arbitration Law in Israel, Touro Law Center, Sept 14, 2020 (by zoom starting at minute 183:15.)
Public Health and the Jewish Tradition
Medical Triage in Emergency Situations | Michael J. Broyde (Emory University Center for the Study of Law and Religion)
Public Health and the Jewish Tradition | Michael J. Broyde (Emory University Center for the Study of Law and Religion)
American Judicial Legal Symposium (Portland, Oregon 2019)
Religious Arbitration (Webinar, Loyola University New Orleans College of Law)
Constitutional Conversation with Michael Broyde (Stanford Law School)
Learning Law Young: What Happens When Elementary Schools Teach (Jewish) Law (ELI Talks)
Sharia Courts in America (New York Law School)
Reproductive Freedom 2011 Decalogue Lecture (Emory Law School)
Religion in the Public Square (Aspen Center for Social Values)
Keynote Lecture (Chicago Kent, 2013)
The Jewish Family (Netanya Academic College, Israel)
Militärethik - Unter den Waffen schweigen die (Religions-)Gesetze? (Berlin Jewish Museum)
Suggestions for Shari'a Courts Based on the Precedent of the Beth Din of America (Chicago Kent Law School)
Religious Arbitration in America (Depaul Law School)
Marital Pluralism (Center for Study of Law and Religion, Emory University)
Methodology & Jurisprudence of Rabbi Yechiel Michel Epstein (Jewish Law Association, Moscow State University Law School)
Religious Freedom in the United States, Israel, and the World (The American Center, Jerusalem)
Communal Boundaries I: Who or What is a Jew? (The Progressive Halakhah Conference, Harvard Law School)
Widows and Widowers of 9-11: Why Remains of Missing People are Never Recovered (,
Abortion and Jewish Law: Understanding the Classical Sources (National Jewish Retreat, Rohr Jewish Learning Institute)
Every Jew a .22? The Talmudic Take on Gun Control (National Jewish Retreat, Rohr Jewish Learning Institute)
Jewish Ethics on the Battlefield (National Jewish Retreat, Rohr Jewish Learning Institute)
Healthcare Reform: A Jewish Perspective (National Jewish Retreat, Rohr Jewish Learning Institute)
Workings of The Jewish Court, Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4 (National Jewish Retreat, Rohr Jewish Learning Institute)
Brain Transplants: Are You What You Think? (on Torah Café)
Understanding the Workings of a Jewish Wedding Ceremony (on Torah Café)
Sharia Law in America (on Torah Café)
Tshuvos and Poskim-If we could write fetal protection legislation-A conversation with Professor Rabbi Michael Broyde on AbortionTshuvos and Poskim-Why Are Women Obligated in Some Time-Bound Positive Commandments Yet exempt from Others?-A Conversation with Rabbi Michael J. BroydeOn Principle Special-Using State Income Tax Credits for Yeshiva Tuition-Is it Tzedakah?-Inside Rabbi MichaelJ.Broyde's Halachic LaboratoryUsing AI for Psak Halacha -Ramifications and Recriminations-Results of a Relevant Test Case-A Conversation with Rabbi Michael BroydeAI and Jewish Law: Seeing How ChatGPT 4.0 Looks at a Novel IssueInstitute of Jewish Studies (University of Antwerp)