“A Tale of Two Pandemics? How a Law for Torah Reading Became a “Dead Letter” in the Wake of Black Death – And Was Brought Back to Life by COVID-19” in Hesed V ’Emet Nashaku, Michael Berenbaum, editor (U of J Press, 2023) pages 196-229.
Models of Sexuality (and Marriage) in the Jewish Tradition broyde_leaman_routledge_pdfs.pdf, in Routledge Handbook of Jewish Ritual and Practice, ed: Oliver Leaman, 2022 at pages 400-414.
Law, Economy and Charity: Formations in Torah and Talmud, in in “The Impact of the Market on Character Formation, Ethical Education, and the Communication of Values in Late Modern Pluralistic Societies” edited by Jürgen von Hagen, Michael Welker, John Witte Stephen Pickard Evangelische Verlagsanstalt (2020) at pages 115 to 132.
Human Rights in Judaism Reviewed and Renewed (p. 59-76)
Human v. Religious Rights? German and US Exchanges and their Global Implications (2020)
The Role of Customs in the the Jurisprudence of the Mishna Berura (p 141-160)
Minhagim: Custom and Practice in Jewish Life (De Gruyter, 2020) (co-author, Ira Bedzow)
Intellectual Property and Genetic Sequences: A Jewish Law Perspective in Patents on Life: Religious, Moral, and Social Justice Aspects of Biotechnology and Intellectual Property by Thomas C. Berg (Editor), Roman Cholij (Editor), Simon Ravenscroft (Editor)(Cambridge 2019). (co-author, Steven S. Weiner)
Prenuptial Agreements and State Regulation as Tools to Avoid Religious Marital Captivity - the Orthodox Jewish Experience in America and Related Legal Developments, in: Susan Rutten, Benedicta Deogratias and Pauline Kruiniger (Eds.), Marital Captivity: Divorce, Religion and Human Rights, The Hague: Eleven International publishing 2019
The Role of Custom in the Jurisprudence of the Mishna Berura
In Minhagim: Custom and Practice in Jewish Law, Jean Baumgarten, Hasia Diner, Naomi Feuchtwanger-sarig, Simha Goldin, & Joseph Isaac Lifshitz, eds., De Gruyter (forthcoming 2019). (co-author: Ira Bedzow).
Human Rights in Judaism: Freedom of Religion, Conscience, and Association in Rabbinic Practice
In The Concept of Human Rights in Judaism, Christianity and Islam, Georges Tamer & Ursula Männle, eds., vol. 2, DeGruyter (2019).
The ‘Other’ Priestly Blessings Revisited
In New Paradigm Matrix, David Birnbaum & Martin Cohen, eds. (2016), 121–33. (co-author: Mark Goldfeder).
Noachide Laws, Universal Justice, and Tikkun Olam
In Tikkum Olam: Judaism, Humanism & Transcendence, David Birnbaum & Martin Cohen, eds., New Paradigm Matrix (2016), 139–59. (co-author: Ira Bedzow).
Who Should Be a Jew? Conversion in the Diaspora and in the Modern Nation-State
In Who Is a Jew? Reflections on History, Religion, and Culture, Leonard J. Greenspoon, ed., West Lafayette, Indiana: Purdue University Press (2014), 141–152. (co-author: Mark Goldfeder).
Access to Justice in Jewish Financial Law: The Case of Returning Lost Property
In Radical Responsibility: Celebrating the Thought of Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, Michael J. Harris, Daniel Rynhold & Tamra Wright, eds., New York: The Michael Scharf Publication Trust/YU Press; Jerusalem: Maggid Books (2013), 111–23.
Has Judaism Lost its Sense of Direction? Orientation during Tefillah
In Essays for a Jewish Lifetime: The Burton D. Morris Jubilee Volume, Menachem Butler & Marian E. Frankston, eds., New York: Hakirah Press (2012). (31 pages).
Who is a Jew?
Introductory Essay in Jewish Identity: Who Is A Jew?, Baruch Litvin, Sidney Hoenig & Jeanne Litvin, eds. (2d rev. & augmented ed.), New York: Ktav (2012), 29–40. (co-author: Mark Goldfeder).
Women Receiving Aliyot? A Short Halakhic Analysis
In “Wisdom and Understanding”—Studies in Jewish Law in Honour of Bernard S. Jackson: Jewish Law Association Studies XXII, Leib Moscovitz & Yosef Rivlin, eds., Liverpool: Jewish Law Association (2012), 1–16.
Some Thoughts on New York State Regulation of Jewish Marriage: Covenant, Contract, or Statute?
In Marriage and Divorce in a Multicultural Context: Multi-Tiered Marriage and the Boundaries of Civil Law and Religion, Joel A. Nichols, ed., Cambridge University Press (2011), 138–63.
What’s Love Got to Do with It? (Part I): Loving Children in Cases of Divorce or Death
In The Best Love of the Child: Being Loved and Being Taught to Love as the First Human Right, Timothy P. Jackson, ed., Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans (2011), 253–76.
Public and Private International Law from the Perspective of Jewish Law
In The Oxford Handbook of Judaism and Economics, Aaron Levine, ed., New York: Oxford University Press (2010), 363–87.
The Giving of Charity in Jewish Law: For What Purpose and Toward What Goal?
In Toward a Renewed Ethic of Jewish Philanthropy, Yossi Prager, ed., from the 20th annual (2008) Orthodox Forum of Yeshiva University, New York: Ktav (2010), 241–76.
‘The Hair of a Woman is Erotic:’ An Explanation of the Contemporary Practice of Many Married Orthodox Women Not to Cover their Hair
In Rav Chesed: Essays in Honor of Rabbi Dr. Haskel Lookstein, Rafael Medoff, ed., New York: Ktav (2009), 54–117.
Truth-Seeking as the Mission
In My Yeshiva College: 75 Years of Memories, Zev Nagel & Menachem Butler, eds., New York: Yashar Books (2006), 325–27.
The Bounds of Wartime Military Conduct in Jewish Law: An Expansive Conception
New York: Center for Jewish Studies, Queens College, City University of New York (2006). (monograph).
Adoption, Personal Status and Jewish Law
In The Morality of Adoption: Social-psychological, Theological, and Legal Perspectives, Timothy P. Jackson, ed., Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans (2005), 128–47.
Jewish Law and American Public Policy: A Principled Jewish View and Some Practical Jewish Observations
In Formulating Responses in an Egalitarian Age: Proceedings of the 13th Orthodox Forum of Yeshiva University, Marc D. Stern, ed., from Formulating Responses in an Egalitarian Age: Proceedings of the 13th Orthodox Forum of Yeshiva University, (2001), Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield (2005), 109–29.
Jewish Law and the Abandonment of Marriage: Diverse Models of Sexuality and Reproduction in the Jewish View, and the Return to Monogamy in the Modern Era
In Marriage Sex, and Family in Judaism, Michael J. Broyde, ed., Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield (2005), 88–114.
Modern Reproductive Technologies and Jewish Law
In Marriage Sex, and Family in Judaism, Michael J. Broyde, ed., Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield, (2005) 295–328. (co-author: Jonathan Reiss).
Prenuptial Agreements in Talmudic, Medieval, and Modern Jewish Thought
In Marriage Sex, and Family in Judaism, Michael J. Broyde, ed., Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield (2005), 192–213.
The Covenant-Contract Dialectic in Jewish Marriage and Divorce Law
In Covenant Marriage in Comparative Perspective, John Witte & Eliza Ellison, eds., Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans (2005), 53–69.
Cloning and the Noahide Legal Code
In Mind, Body and Judaism: The Interaction of Jewish Law with Psychology and Biology, David Shatz & Joel Wolowesky, eds., New York: Michael Scharf Publication Trust of Yeshiva University (2004), 143-8.
Just Wars, Just Battles and Just Conduct in Jewish Law: Jewish Law Is Not a Suicide Pact!
In War and Peace in the Jewish Tradition: Proceedings of the 16th Orthodox Forum, Lawrence H. Schiffman & Joel B. Wolowelsky, eds., New York: Michael Scharf Publication Trust of the Yeshiva University Press (2004), 1–43.
Rights and Duties in the Jewish Tradition
Introduction to Contrasts in American and Jewish Law, Daniel Pollack, ed., New York: Ktav (2001), xxiii–xxix.
Confidentiality and Rabbinic Counseling
Beth Din of America (1999). (monograph). (co-authors: Jonathan Reiss & Nathan Diament).
Proselytism and Jewish Law: Inreach, Outreach, and Jewish Tradition
In Sharing the Book: Religious Perspectives on the Rights and Wrongs of Proselytism, John Witte & Richard C. Martin, eds., Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis (1999), 45–60.
The Corporate Veil and Halakha: a Still-Shrouded Concept
In The Orthodox Forum Proceedings VIII: Jewish Business Ethics—the Firm and Its Stakeholders, Moses L. Pava & Aaron Levine, eds., Northvale, N.J.: Jason Aronson (1999), 203–72. (co-author: Steven Resnicoff).
Forming Religious Communities and Respecting Dissenters’ Rights
In Human Rights in Judaism: Cultural, Religious, and Political Perspectives, Michael J. Broyde & John Witte, Jr., eds., Northvale, N.J.: Jason Aronson (1998), 35–76.
Human Rights and Duties in the Jewish Tradition
In Human Rights in Judaism: Cultural, Religious, and Political Perspectives, Michael J. Broyde & John Witte, Jr., eds., Northvale, N.J.: Jason Aronson (1998), 273–82.
The Obligation of Jews to Seek Observance of Noahide Laws by Gentiles: A Theoretical Review
In Tikun Olam: Social Responsibility in Jewish Thought and Law—Orthodox Forum Proceedings, David Shatz, Chaim Isaac Waxman, & Nathan J. Diament, eds., Northvale, N.J.: Jason Aronson (1997), 103–43.
Fighting the War and the Peace: Battlefield Ethics, Peace Talks, Treaties, and Pacifism in the Jewish Tradition
In War and Its Discontents: Pacifism and Quietism in the Abrahamic Traditions, J. Patout Burns, ed., Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press (1996), 1–30.
The Duty to Educate in Jewish Law: A Right with a Purpose
In Religious Human Rights in Global Perspective: Religious Perspectives, John Witte & Johan Van Der Vyver, eds., The Hague: M. Nijhoff (1996), 323–36.,
“A Tale of Two Pandemics? How a Law for Torah Reading Became a “Dead Letter” in the Wake of Black Death – And Was Brought Back to Life by COVID-19” in Hesed V ’Emet Nashaku, Michael Berenbaum, editor (U of J Press, 2023) pages 196-229.
Models of Sexuality (and Marriage) in the Jewish Tradition broyde_leaman_routledge_pdfs.pdf, in Routledge Handbook of Jewish Ritual and Practice, ed: Oliver Leaman, 2022 at pages 400-414.
Law, Economy and Charity: Formations in Torah and Talmud, in in “The Impact of the Market on Character Formation, Ethical Education, and the Communication of Values in Late Modern Pluralistic Societies” edited by Jürgen von Hagen, Michael Welker, John Witte Stephen Pickard Evangelische Verlagsanstalt (2020) at pages 115 to 132.
Human Rights in Judaism Reviewed and Renewed (p. 59-76)
Human v. Religious Rights? German and US Exchanges and their Global Implications (2020)
The Role of Customs in the the Jurisprudence of the Mishna Berura (p 141-160)
Minhagim: Custom and Practice in Jewish Life (De Gruyter, 2020) (co-author, Ira Bedzow)
Intellectual Property and Genetic Sequences: A Jewish Law Perspective in Patents on Life: Religious, Moral, and Social Justice Aspects of Biotechnology and Intellectual Property by Thomas C. Berg (Editor), Roman Cholij (Editor), Simon Ravenscroft (Editor)(Cambridge 2019). (co-author, Steven S. Weiner)
Prenuptial Agreements and State Regulation as Tools to Avoid Religious Marital Captivity - the Orthodox Jewish Experience in America and Related Legal Developments, in: Susan Rutten, Benedicta Deogratias and Pauline Kruiniger (Eds.), Marital Captivity: Divorce, Religion and Human Rights, The Hague: Eleven International publishing 2019
The Role of Custom in the Jurisprudence of the Mishna Berura
In Minhagim: Custom and Practice in Jewish Law, Jean Baumgarten, Hasia Diner, Naomi Feuchtwanger-sarig, Simha Goldin, & Joseph Isaac Lifshitz, eds., De Gruyter (forthcoming 2019). (co-author: Ira Bedzow).
Human Rights in Judaism: Freedom of Religion, Conscience, and Association in Rabbinic Practice
In The Concept of Human Rights in Judaism, Christianity and Islam, Georges Tamer & Ursula Männle, eds., vol. 2, DeGruyter (2019).
The ‘Other’ Priestly Blessings Revisited
In New Paradigm Matrix, David Birnbaum & Martin Cohen, eds. (2016), 121–33. (co-author: Mark Goldfeder).
Noachide Laws, Universal Justice, and Tikkun Olam
In Tikkum Olam: Judaism, Humanism & Transcendence, David Birnbaum & Martin Cohen, eds., New Paradigm Matrix (2016), 139–59. (co-author: Ira Bedzow).
Who Should Be a Jew? Conversion in the Diaspora and in the Modern Nation-State
In Who Is a Jew? Reflections on History, Religion, and Culture, Leonard J. Greenspoon, ed., West Lafayette, Indiana: Purdue University Press (2014), 141–152. (co-author: Mark Goldfeder).
Access to Justice in Jewish Financial Law: The Case of Returning Lost Property
In Radical Responsibility: Celebrating the Thought of Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, Michael J. Harris, Daniel Rynhold & Tamra Wright, eds., New York: The Michael Scharf Publication Trust/YU Press; Jerusalem: Maggid Books (2013), 111–23.
Has Judaism Lost its Sense of Direction? Orientation during Tefillah
In Essays for a Jewish Lifetime: The Burton D. Morris Jubilee Volume, Menachem Butler & Marian E. Frankston, eds., New York: Hakirah Press (2012). (31 pages).
Who is a Jew?
Introductory Essay in Jewish Identity: Who Is A Jew?, Baruch Litvin, Sidney Hoenig & Jeanne Litvin, eds. (2d rev. & augmented ed.), New York: Ktav (2012), 29–40. (co-author: Mark Goldfeder).
Women Receiving Aliyot? A Short Halakhic Analysis
In “Wisdom and Understanding”—Studies in Jewish Law in Honour of Bernard S. Jackson: Jewish Law Association Studies XXII, Leib Moscovitz & Yosef Rivlin, eds., Liverpool: Jewish Law Association (2012), 1–16.
Some Thoughts on New York State Regulation of Jewish Marriage: Covenant, Contract, or Statute?
In Marriage and Divorce in a Multicultural Context: Multi-Tiered Marriage and the Boundaries of Civil Law and Religion, Joel A. Nichols, ed., Cambridge University Press (2011), 138–63.
What’s Love Got to Do with It? (Part I): Loving Children in Cases of Divorce or Death
In The Best Love of the Child: Being Loved and Being Taught to Love as the First Human Right, Timothy P. Jackson, ed., Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans (2011), 253–76.
Public and Private International Law from the Perspective of Jewish Law
In The Oxford Handbook of Judaism and Economics, Aaron Levine, ed., New York: Oxford University Press (2010), 363–87.
The Giving of Charity in Jewish Law: For What Purpose and Toward What Goal?
In Toward a Renewed Ethic of Jewish Philanthropy, Yossi Prager, ed., from the 20th annual (2008) Orthodox Forum of Yeshiva University, New York: Ktav (2010), 241–76.
‘The Hair of a Woman is Erotic:’ An Explanation of the Contemporary Practice of Many Married Orthodox Women Not to Cover their Hair
In Rav Chesed: Essays in Honor of Rabbi Dr. Haskel Lookstein, Rafael Medoff, ed., New York: Ktav (2009), 54–117.
Truth-Seeking as the Mission
In My Yeshiva College: 75 Years of Memories, Zev Nagel & Menachem Butler, eds., New York: Yashar Books (2006), 325–27.
The Bounds of Wartime Military Conduct in Jewish Law: An Expansive Conception
New York: Center for Jewish Studies, Queens College, City University of New York (2006). (monograph).
Adoption, Personal Status and Jewish Law
In The Morality of Adoption: Social-psychological, Theological, and Legal Perspectives, Timothy P. Jackson, ed., Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans (2005), 128–47.
Jewish Law and American Public Policy: A Principled Jewish View and Some Practical Jewish Observations
In Formulating Responses in an Egalitarian Age: Proceedings of the 13th Orthodox Forum of Yeshiva University, Marc D. Stern, ed., from Formulating Responses in an Egalitarian Age: Proceedings of the 13th Orthodox Forum of Yeshiva University, (2001), Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield (2005), 109–29.
Jewish Law and the Abandonment of Marriage: Diverse Models of Sexuality and Reproduction in the Jewish View, and the Return to Monogamy in the Modern Era
In Marriage Sex, and Family in Judaism, Michael J. Broyde, ed., Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield (2005), 88–114.
Modern Reproductive Technologies and Jewish Law
In Marriage Sex, and Family in Judaism, Michael J. Broyde, ed., Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield, (2005) 295–328. (co-author: Jonathan Reiss).
Prenuptial Agreements in Talmudic, Medieval, and Modern Jewish Thought
In Marriage Sex, and Family in Judaism, Michael J. Broyde, ed., Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield (2005), 192–213.
The Covenant-Contract Dialectic in Jewish Marriage and Divorce Law
In Covenant Marriage in Comparative Perspective, John Witte & Eliza Ellison, eds., Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans (2005), 53–69.
Cloning and the Noahide Legal Code
In Mind, Body and Judaism: The Interaction of Jewish Law with Psychology and Biology, David Shatz & Joel Wolowesky, eds., New York: Michael Scharf Publication Trust of Yeshiva University (2004), 143-8.
Just Wars, Just Battles and Just Conduct in Jewish Law: Jewish Law Is Not a Suicide Pact!
In War and Peace in the Jewish Tradition: Proceedings of the 16th Orthodox Forum, Lawrence H. Schiffman & Joel B. Wolowelsky, eds., New York: Michael Scharf Publication Trust of the Yeshiva University Press (2004), 1–43.
Rights and Duties in the Jewish Tradition
Introduction to Contrasts in American and Jewish Law, Daniel Pollack, ed., New York: Ktav (2001), xxiii–xxix.
Confidentiality and Rabbinic Counseling
Beth Din of America (1999). (monograph). (co-authors: Jonathan Reiss & Nathan Diament).
Proselytism and Jewish Law: Inreach, Outreach, and Jewish Tradition
In Sharing the Book: Religious Perspectives on the Rights and Wrongs of Proselytism, John Witte & Richard C. Martin, eds., Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis (1999), 45–60.
The Corporate Veil and Halakha: a Still-Shrouded Concept
In The Orthodox Forum Proceedings VIII: Jewish Business Ethics—the Firm and Its Stakeholders, Moses L. Pava & Aaron Levine, eds., Northvale, N.J.: Jason Aronson (1999), 203–72. (co-author: Steven Resnicoff).
Forming Religious Communities and Respecting Dissenters’ Rights
In Human Rights in Judaism: Cultural, Religious, and Political Perspectives, Michael J. Broyde & John Witte, Jr., eds., Northvale, N.J.: Jason Aronson (1998), 35–76.
Human Rights and Duties in the Jewish Tradition
In Human Rights in Judaism: Cultural, Religious, and Political Perspectives, Michael J. Broyde & John Witte, Jr., eds., Northvale, N.J.: Jason Aronson (1998), 273–82.
The Obligation of Jews to Seek Observance of Noahide Laws by Gentiles: A Theoretical Review
In Tikun Olam: Social Responsibility in Jewish Thought and Law—Orthodox Forum Proceedings, David Shatz, Chaim Isaac Waxman, & Nathan J. Diament, eds., Northvale, N.J.: Jason Aronson (1997), 103–43.
Fighting the War and the Peace: Battlefield Ethics, Peace Talks, Treaties, and Pacifism in the Jewish Tradition
In War and Its Discontents: Pacifism and Quietism in the Abrahamic Traditions, J. Patout Burns, ed., Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press (1996), 1–30.
The Duty to Educate in Jewish Law: A Right with a Purpose
In Religious Human Rights in Global Perspective: Religious Perspectives, John Witte & Johan Van Der Vyver, eds., The Hague: M. Nijhoff (1996), 323–36.,